Sunday, 30 May 2021

Day 2

 Today, intervals on the treadmill: 

  • 300m at 6.5 km/h (brisk walk)
  • 300m at 9.5 km/h (run)
  • 400m at 12.5 km/h (fast run)
Repeat 4x and end with another 300m at 9.5 km/h

Full workout as well:
  • Bench press (3x12, 50 kg)
  • Shoulder press (3x12, 30 kg
  • Lat pulldown (3x12, 70 kg)
  • Leg press, (3x10, 170 lbs)
  • Leg extension (3x10, 70 kg)
  • Leg curl (3x10, 50 kg)
  • High chair leg raise (3x10)
  • Roman chair (3x10)

Saturday, 29 May 2021

100-Day Running Streak

 It has been over 6 years since my last ultra (Northburn 50K in 2015). Am I able to get back to that level of fitness? My toe operation later that year was hard to come back from: I went from around 90 kg to 103 today, and I am barely able to run 5K without walking. Last weekend (23/05/2021) I foolishly registered for the super long course (19K) at the first Xterra trail run in Shakespear Regional Park. I had to zithdraw after barely 5K.

The next Xterra race is on June 13th, and this time I am going for a more reasonable 10K (medium course), which I totally intend to finish, even if that means coming last. After that, there will be a race every 3 weeks until the last one on September 5th. From today (May 29th) until that date, there are exactly 100 days.

So I am deciding today to embark on a 100-day running streak. The rule is simple: run every day until the last Xterra race, no minimum distance. My first run wasn't too bad: 7.5K in Shakespear (up to the lookout then down to Te Aruhi, back down through Okoromai). I did stop a couple of times and mostly walked the uphills, but it was good.